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Could a conviction send you to jail or prison?

Some people do not always consider the consequences of their actions when they are carrying out those actions. Unfortunately, some behaviors could be unlawful, and as a result, you could end up facing criminal charges. In this type of scenario, it is important to start looking at the potential repercussions.

In particular, you may have concerns about whether a conviction for the charges you face could lead to incarceration. Beyond that, you may wonder whether you could go to jail or prison. Gaining answers to these concerns and others is important during this time.

Initial detainment

Facing any type of detainment is likely not your idea of a good experience. However, in the course of your criminal case, you could end up held in varying locations and for varying reasons. For instance, after your initial arrest, officers may have taken you to a small holding area at the police department. This area typically holds individuals as they await bail or transfer to the jail system.

Jail vs. prison

When it comes to whether a person will spend time in jail or prison after the conviction of a crime depends on numerous details. The court will need to determine whether the crime even warrants any type of incarceration. For certain infractions, a fine, community service or just probation could suit the situation. However, if the charge you face could come with a sentence for incarceration, you could spend time in jail if the offense is a misdemeanor or if your sentence will last less than one year.

For more serious crimes and for those with sentences lasting longer than one year, convicts typically go to prisons. These facilities could be either state or federal institutions, and whether state law or federal law was violated will play a role in determining to which facility a person goes. They typically have different amenities than jails because of the extended stay of the individuals.

Avoiding incarceration

Of course, your goal is likely to avoid any type of incarceration altogether. In efforts to work toward this outcome, you will need to present a meaningful defense against the allegations you face. Working with a Maryland attorney could help you understand the legal options specific to your case and assist in creating a defense presentation that keeps your best interests at the forefront.

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